From the Archives: It’s ‘sposed to be like that! What’s the worst (best) excuse you’ve had?

BoldBelvoirArchives, Beer, Observation, Pubs Leave a Comment

A third article I originally wrote for the BeerHeadZ website, first published in October 2018. We’ve all had it. That disappointing moment after you’ve handed over your hard-earned wonga and the barkeep plonks a pint in front of you and you know, by sight or smell alone that it just ain’t right. That’s OK, these things happen from time to …

Boys With Toys.

BoldBelvoirObservation, Whinge Leave a Comment

I recently had what I thought was a great idea for a screenplay for the TV. The synopsis went something like this; \\A National publically-owned, internationally-renowned broadcaster puts an ad out for a presenter of a long-running program called ‘Twatty Boys Play With Toys’. Job description: Idiot required to replace another idiot who recently had a massive accident, resulting in …

Late arrival? Certainly, Sir!

BoldBelvoirObservation, Travel, Whinge Leave a Comment

Of the last few flights I’ve taken, they all seem to have been late by a prescribed amount, around twenty minutes or so. And, like that traffic blockage ahead that we’ve all sat in and once it’s cleared there’s no accident or apparent reason for it, late flights are much the same (to this layman at least). Our recent flight …

Beertastico Roma!

BoldBelvoirBeer, Observation Leave a Comment

Right, this isn’t a normal GOTBlog post as it’s about my recent visit to Rome. As it’s supposed to be a grumpy blog I’ll get the whingy bits out of the way and then post some nice bits for a change! First up, Rome is old, old, old. A bit like me. And needs a bit of TLC. A bit …


Horsin’ around

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In a mad half hour down the pub today, we were discussing the difference between an Ass and a Mule. Don’t know? Well, I’ll tell you. An ass is the same as a donkey, a mule is a cross between a (male) donkey and a (female) horse. Then we got to thinking what other crosses you could have and came …

No Coming Back!

BoldBelvoirObservation Leave a Comment

Apparently the Mars One Project (, a one-way mission to Mars with no hope of return, has attracted a total 202,586 volunteers wanting to make the journey of a lifetime. This number will be whittled down to a shortlist of just 40 from which the four lucky (?) candidates will be chosen to then undertake seven years of intensive training, …