The Elbow Room, Hinckley

BoldBelvoirBeer, Pubs, Travel Leave a Comment

A venue that every craft beer geek should visit. A great afternoon spent in the Elbow Room @elbowroomalehouse in Hinckley yesterday, attending their ‘Renewal Fest’. Friendly owner, knowledgable barkeeps, awesome homemade scotch eggs and free jelly beans. Oh, and the beers weren’t half bad either! A mega beer list from some stunning US breweries, including Beer Tree, Branch & Blade …

BoldBelvoir’s West Coast Wander: Pt.5 – Road Trip

BoldBelvoirBeer, Travel Leave a Comment

TUESDAY 04/10/22 Hooking up with Mark and Suzanne again, they picked us up at stupid dark o’clock outside the Pangaea on the corner of our street, en route from Concord, to start our three-day road trip. After a couple of hiccups finding the highway, we were finally on our way and 100 miles and two and a half hours later …

BoldBelvoir’s West Coast Wander: Pt.3 – Seattle

BoldBelvoirBeer, Travel Leave a Comment

TUESDAY 27/09/22 The Portland-Seattle Amtrak train we had booked a couple of months previously was unceremoniously cancelled with just one week’s notice, with no alternative routes or transport offered. Nice. We rebooked the 175 mile, three-and-a-half-hour journey on Flixbus which, ironically, departed from opposite the Portland railway station. Whilst checking the line of passengers on board we thought the driver …

BoldBelvoir’s West Coast Wander: Pt.2 – Portland

BoldBelvoirBeer, Travel Leave a Comment

SATURDAY 24/09/22 The day started off so well. Beautiful sunrise, warm morning sun, and a luxury ride to Oakland Airport, thanks to Mark taking us door to door in his Jaguar XJ. We were straight through security and into the departure lounge within 15 minutes and everything was on schedule. Unfortunately, it started going downhill from there… As we boarded …

Ukrainian flag

When Will We Learn?

BoldBelvoirIn the News Leave a Comment

Watching the troubling, distressing and very worrying news from the Ukraine on TV in the last couple of days, I can’t help wondering ‘When will we learn?’ Invasions of entire Nations, certainly in modern history, don’t work. Just look at Germany & Japan in WWII, Iraq in Kuwait, and more recently the US/UK in Afghanistan. All failures. I won’t drone …